VTS - 2022

Boosting listing inventory by 30% on VTS Marketplace

My Role

One year post-launch of VTS's office Marketplace product, landlord brokers were only marketing 35% of the office spaces in their portfolios on the platform.

Lead Product Designer

1 PM
4 Engineers
1 QA Analyst




The design updates resulted in a 30% increase in inventory and a 55% reduction in customer support requests.

UX Research, Journey mapping, Strategy, Ideation, UX Design, Visual Design, Design Systems.

3 months

Company Objective

To increase revenue by driving landlord broker adoption of VTS through supporting their end-end leasing process.

Why focus on listing management features?

To establish VTS Marketplace as a reliable platform.

Tenant brokers perceived VTS Marketplace as an incomplete resource for their search.

To reduce the cost of maintaining marketplace listings.

70% of customer support requests are related to listing management.

Two driving KRS for my team
20% increase in the % of spaces turned into listings for Marketplace customers.
50% reduction in customer support requests related to listing management.
Project Impact
30% increase in the % of spaces turned into listings for Marketplace customers.
55% reduction in customer support requests related to listing management.
Established new model of collaboration between designers + support team.
Goal: To understand why broker teams are not listing their spaces on VTS Marketplace even though they are contractually obligated to do so.
Method: My PM and I interviewed 8 broker + 5 internal support team member interviews to learn more about broker teams marketing processes + painpoints in and out of VTS.
The existing MVP features didn’t allow for brokers to seamlessly manage their full portfolios in one place.
Brokers feel too reliant on customer support team members to make updates to their listings.
VTS wasn’t displaying the most relevant data in helping brokers make marketing decisions.
Brokers find the process of creating listings to be inefficient and cumbersome.
Updating the listing request process
On average, it took brokers 2m53s to complete a single form.
6/8 brokers mentioned that they find the request process cumbersome compared to our main competitor, Costar.
4/8 brokers mentioned they found the process of creating every listing individually to be inefficient.
Key opportunity 1: Improve form
Goal: To improve the listing form experience
Method: I watched full story sessions to see how customers were struggling with the form. Brokers would need to scroll up/down to find the parts of the form they needed to fill out, and would often lose their place. We also heard in user interviews that there was a perception of endlessness with the form.
Redesign: I made the form a fixed height and added navigation to give it a predictable structure. The navigation items are anchor links which allow brokers to see the contents of the form and easily select + switch sections.
Key opportunity 2: Batch LISTING REQUESTS
Goal:To improve the efficiency of listing spaces on Marketplace.
Method: User interviews. From broker + customer support team interviews, the most requested feature was the ability to create multiple listings at the same time, especially considering that listings in the same building have a lot of overlapping information.
Redesign: I added the ability to select multiple listings at a time from the buildings table. All listings, or a subset of listings in a building can now be created at the same time.
Part 2
Helping brokers make marketing decisions
Brokers didn't think VTS displayed the most crucial and relevant marketing data.
Only 1/8 brokers we interviewed use VTS when making marketing decisions.
Key opportunity: Add in Relevant Marketing Datapoints
Goal: To allow brokers to manage their full portfolios in 1 place, and provide the relevant data to help them make their marketing decisions.
Method: User interviews. I asked about how brokers make marketing decisions outside of VTS, and included the data they mentioned was neccesary to make those decisions.
Design updates: I added a tab on the listings table called “unlisted” spaces, which included the rest of brokers portfolio of unlisted spaces with the marketing data points we had heard about in  interviews.